Tag Archives: New York City

Sometimes All we need is a Maggie

You know sometimes come in your life when all you want is to eat Maggie, that two minute crazy thing fried with your fav with or without veggies and sauces…

Like today, its 9.57 PM and I am feeling hungry and I am supposed to eat Rajma Chawal but I am feeling too lazy to steam Rice. Just feeling like cooking a tomato onion maggie with extra schezwan  sauce :p

Hollywood Makes 2011 Oscar Predictions (VIDEO)

Hollywood stars, writers and directors were out in full force at the National Board of Review Awards in New York City Tuesday night. The Huffington Post‘s Samira Nanda chatted with Ben Affleck, Michelle Williams, Aaron Sorkin and Armie Hammer among others on who they thought may win big at the Oscars 2011. ‘The Social Network‘ was the buzzword of the evening!



Anne Hathaway in training for Oscars

THESE days, Anne Hathaway is a busy woman. Or make that a busy Catwoman.

The 28-year-old actress is training for the physical demands of her lead role as Catwoman (and its sleek, physique-revealing catsuit) in The Dark Knight Rises as she flexes her comedy muscles alongside James Franco as co-hosts of Sunday’s Academy Awards.

“There’s a lot going on, but it’s all really super-duper positive,” Hathaway said between fittings.

“I feel like I have a big fight coming up and everyone’s giving me the thumbs-up and the ‘you’ll-rock-it’ fist pump. I have unbelievable support.”

The Oscar team is helping Hathaway and Franco find their funniest material, she said, and the producers “are making it as easy as possible on me.”

“It’s all been kind of wonderful and jovial,” she said. “It turns out it takes a village to host the Oscars.”

Hathaway’s biggest challenge this week? Navigating Los Angeles‘ famous freeways and making it to all her appointments on time. But the New York City resident has that one covered: “Luckily my assistant is a really good driver.”

Source: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/anne-trains-and-preps-for-oscars/story-fn4sol8z-1226011903759